Thank goodness I married Sean eight years ago today especially since he's the type of guy that never forgets our anniversary, wakes me up with fresh baked scones and tea, and agrees to make a trip to the Sawdust Festival as a little celebration. (his celebration was on a trip to Lowe's a couple of weeks ago when he got the pressure washer he's wanted for a while now).
I asked my mom for restaurant suggestions in Laguna Beach and one of the ones she mentioned was the Surf and Sand Hotel...when I looked at the menu last night and saw the lobster club sandwich I was was SUCH a great place and right on the beach...

So, I have to share the festival findings...
First we always get a couple of ceramic mushrooms...this year it was a blue polka dotted one and an orange flecked one...I put them right into the "mushroom garden" when I got home...
Then prepare to grab your newspapers (well at least I'm going to be attacking mine now)...I found this artist who makes collages out newspaper clippings...her prints were well priced so I couldn't resist three little ones...
I am lucky enough already to have two big windows in our house (one in our living room and one in our bedroom) that were painted by Kathleen Miller...
and I thought to ask her if she ever does custom work because my favorite pieces of hers are when she does all different color and variety flowers and I would love one of her little windows...she said she would and had it done in less than an hour...
I am so glad I asked her! :)
We quickly stopped on our way to lunch at Art for the Soul which I fell in love with last year...and I snatched this...I've wanted one of her necklaces since I saw them there last year so I was thrilled to get it.
So between Sean and art and food it was a perfect afternoon. :)