granted between my severe lack of photography skills and his significant unwillingness to have photos taken I didn't get too many good ones, but I love what I did get regardless.
Mac was in his element last night...he stayed true to his promise of dancing all night and had just barely fallen asleep in the car when we got home at almost 2am...but my favorite moment by far was his entrance to the reception...he was first to come in and the DJ played "Macerena" which he completely and totally danced yeah I'm his mom and everything, but I think it's a pretty objective opinion to say he lit up the room...
Here's some of the other photos I loved...the first one is blurry, but it actually almost makes me like it more...
the wedding was at the same church as the one I got a photo of Mac and Sean walking past during spring break...
the one truly sincere smile I got out him all night...
dancing with my mom...
dancing with my brother, Sean and my brother-in-law
and hugging his Amee after they danced together...she may be married now but he'll always love her :)
I was just so proud of him tonight...I have been so blessed to be able to just stand back and watch what an incredible person he is...his confidence, and warmth...his sense of humor and fun-loving's nothing I've taught's nothing I could ever instill...and it's not something he has an example to learn's innately who Mac is and I'm so lucky to be his mom.