So yeah, I'm not going to be let out of the house for least that's what I joked about with the people at Armstrong Gardens...of course when Sean called a little later asking how my trip there was and heard about everything I bought he said that I shouldn't be let out of the house...ah great minds think alike. :)
In my defense, one should never go plant shopping right after learning at the dentist she needs to get another crown.
This time it's on one of my front teeth that I had to have a root canal on when I was ten years old. I was a big girl and made my appointment for Thursday morning all the while dreading the thought...especially the novocaine and having half your face numb.
Then it occurred to me...half my face would be numb...especially my nose since it's a front following me here?
After a call to the tattoo parlor to make sure it would work I changed my crown appointment to a couple of weeks from today so that I've waited out the three week healing time the piercer suggested AND my nose will be numb when he does it. Stroke of genius I tell you...or total craziness especially when I ask my dentist to please make sure I'm really super numb the right side of my nose. :)