I was supposed to start my summer school class this past Monday, but figured out with my counselor a week or so ago that I don't have to take it so I'm free until August 27th...it's time I wasn't expecting to get so I'm extra loving it...I've been slowly catching up on Mac's scrapbook...
I found that I've neglected a shameful amount of little events and memories from the past year so I've been trying to make sure I get the photos printed out and layouts made...I usually kind of half-ass a lot of the scrapbooking in Mac's book as far as being really creative, but it's more important to have the memory recorded and there are no rules, right? :)
Other than that I've been getting stuff done around the house...the every-last-little-thing-in-it's-place kind of stuff that's making me so happy.
And I've picked flowers...
from my garden :) and put them in the Waterford vase my mom had engraved for me when she was in Ireland a few weeks ago...it's the perfect size for holding a few stems.
So needless to say I'm really loving this whole summer thing...speaking of which I need to go get ready for another concert in the park...