as promised after yesterday's complaints...a few minutes ago I took my camera around the house and took pictures of what's making me happy...
Mac's final states test from this week...SO proud of him
That his room isn't a disaster...SO proud of him :)
A clean and rearranged kitchen window-box
Stamp pad drawers
The finished compost monstrosity Sean built...and that he listened to me when I asked that the entire thing be lined in screen since I was super afraid of any rodents finding a new home in our backyard...
Zucchini plants starting to grow...actually everything is starting to grow...hope we can keep that going
and it's Friday my favorite day of the week, friends are coming over tonight for a pasta dinner and more wedding crafting, Sean and I have a whole weekend to be productive, and this morning the scale said, after a few weeks of yo-yoing, that I'm down thirteen pounds. Happy day. :)