if there is such a thing...Mac's got the day off from school and were both a little giddy...set the table together...he made place-cards for everyone...been hanging out in our pajamas...a GOOD day.
When Sean gets home in a couple of hours the cooking will really start...although I made cranberry sauce, cornbread for a dressing recipe I'm going to try, and a few other little things yesterday. We're making a turkey tonight and again tomorrow...we got a fancy Diestle turkey to try our hands at tomorrow, but couldn't pass up the regular old turkey deal at the grocery store either...that way we'll have plenty of leftovers for the weekend...oh and the turkeys will be cooking in my indulgent kitchen toy pictured above an All-Clad roasting pan...I got it last week along with a bunch of guest room bedding stuff...did you know that Bed Bath and Beyond will take multiple, expired, and competitors coupons? I seriously used 9 for our purchases, one for each item we were buying...even Sean got excited by that kind of shopping!
Besides coupons :), I have so much to be thankful for this year. 2006 will definitely go on record as one of the most eventful years in my life (I think 1996 with Mac's birth holds the prize though) but it has been hands-down the year that has truly taught me how deeply blessed I am...I am surrounded by a ridiculous amount of goodness that I try to be thankful for everyday...but especially tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving!