No, I'm not running one, but I kinda feel like did today. I got to South Coast Plaza at 9:30am to meet a friend for breakfast and left six and a half hours later...I made three trips out the car, but I'm 99% sure that I finished up my Christmas shopping.
Oh and I got Mr. Mac stocked up on uniform pants and sweatshirts for school...I was the BAD mom that sent him to school today in shorts when it's 50 or something way too cold degrees for our pathetic Southern CA bodies...oh and there sort of were gale force winds...but he wore the only pair of uniform pants he had yesterday so he was out of luck...I sent him on his way with an ever-so-nurturing "You'll be fine!"...let me tell you, I am QUITE a mother.
I digress.
So now I have this pile to wrap...another marathon that I need to start tackling tomorrow. It's one of the seemingly hundreds of tasks of my holiday to-do of the others is crafting...little gifts for friends...our Christmas cards...
I told myself "This is crafting week is cooking week (as we figure out what desserts we want to serve when we host the last house in our neighborhood progressive dinner)...and after that is sit on my ass and enjoy it week"'s hoping. :)
Oh and I made my first I-Mix tonight so I could share some of my favorite songs to listen to as I accomplish all this Christmas craziness.
Um yeah, I think making my I-pod play-lists into I-Mix's will now be my new favorite thing to do...of course that means you'll be subjected to my ridiculously eclectic taste in music.
Off to bed...need to rest up for tomorrow!