Working on the birth announcements while we wait. I ordered a little "Griffin Family" address stamp with all family members accounted for. :) The diaper bag, camera, and formula (just in case there's a problem at the hospital) are waiting by the door.
Other than that just having a little family drama to keep life mom was pretty taken aback by our plans for a "family" baby shower when I called her last night about the guest list. She's not sure if her/our family friends would want to come to a "young couples" shower. Then, out of the blue, my sister calls this morning...haven't really talked to her in a year beyond birthday and Christmas phone call formalities. She just wanted to congratulate us on the baby and ask a few questions (for example, "So, uh, what kind of baby is this?"). She told me she'd be happy to sit down with me at some point and talk things out. Dumbfounded, I managed to answer, "Thanks for offering, but I don't really know what there is to talk about". Well, you can only imagine how well that went over. I was met with, "Okay, well goodbye." Not quite sure if I could have answered her any better...I guess I could have tried, "No chance in hell I want to talk to you for a minute more than I have to" or "Actually I've had enough drama, lying, back-stabbing and criticism, thanks though." Oh well, what can you do?
I will just keep getting endlessly ready...