Not that there's a chill in the air or leaves changing or anything like that, but it's starting to feel a little like Fall around here. The calendar page flipped to September today and Mac had his first day of third grade. Since his school started a little early this year both Sean and Bryce (Mac's dad) were there with me and my camera. Now they know my secret.
I cry.
The very second the bell rings my heart sinks and I have to swallow back the tears springing into my eyes. Then we walk to the classroom, get him settled at his desk, snap one more photo, and hurry right out of there before the first tear hits my cheek...and then cry all the way to the car and most of the way home. In general I'm not a real mushy girl, but there is something about the first day of school that just strikes the core of my heart and makes me ache with the thoughts of how time flies.
Okay so before I start crying again I'll move on...
It's amazing to think in the next 30 days how much will have changed around here. Granted will be back in the swing of school and homework and things like me trying to get Sean's prep periods memorized so I don't call him while he's in the front of the classroom, but we'll also have a nursery, we'll be done with our home-study and in official wait-for-the-phone-call mode, I'll have written my first essay for English class, some new appliances will be in the kitchen, more color on the walls around the house, grass in the front yard. It's going to be a busy month.
Oh and before I forget I got tagged by Moriah to share 5 random things so here we go...
1) I detest the words, "boob" "panties" "binky" and "potty"
2) I have never played sports. In 7th grade I decided to try out for softball in my endless attempt to be popular. The first day I got on the field for tryouts there was an earthquake. I took it as an omen and never tried again.
3. I have all the helping verbs memorized thanks to Mrs. Richie, my fourth grade teacher. Want proof? :)
4.) I have to tell Sean every time he leaves the house to "Be Careful"...if I forget I have to call him on his cell phone to tell him...he gently informed me once that having to reach for your cell phone while you're driving to hear your wife just say, "Be Careful" is not really being that careful
5.) When I was 10 years old my father took me to the Philippines and while we were there we took the Presidential Palace tour. This was the year after Marcos had been kicked out of the country so no one was living in the palace. I got to see Imelda Marco's 3000 pairs of shoes with my own eyes. She even had a pair of disco shoes with super high chunky heels that you actually charged and then they had lights running through them.