That's the sound going through our neighborhood right now.
Front yard phase II is underway as of this afternoon. We have this walkway made up of pink cement. Sean's taking out two pieces and planting sod in it's place so we can have more grass in the front yard.
This will be another busy week...I haven't gotten a chance yet to cover the adoption fun and excitement that is going to result in me being crazy stressed until September 13th. We had the first meeting with our social worker a couple weeks ago and set up the other three interviews. The result is our home-study will be complete, and hopefully approved by September 12th. Then our family information is released to birth mothers to look through. The agency requests that you write a letter to the birth moms to introduce your family (hardest thing I'll ever write) and make a "photo album"...actually three copies of a photo album.
Well, we all know that photo album=scrapbook...but that means three scrapbooks...and I cannot bring myself to have anything but original books...granted I'll make all three the same, but there will be no color copies from that's a little bit of work to do in my immediate future.
The other complicating factor is what photos they request to be included in the books...the individual members of our family, photos of our immediate family, things we like to do together, our pets, our home, the nursery...
We have no nursery. We need to have a nursery done so we can photograph it and include it in the book. It makes sense if you think about it...a mom can see that we are really ready and waiting.
Sean and I went to Babies'R'Us last week and are the proud owners of a gender-neutral crib set. Eddie Bauer's Believing in Dreams...cute, country, colorful...discontinued three months ago. So I spent hours on the phone calling stores all over California to piece everything else together. I got everything but the lamp base and shade. We have sheets and valances and wallpaper borders and a mobile.
We also bought nursery furniture...can I tell you I've never had nursery furniture. Mac never had a nursery...he never even had a crib. He was so small he could sleep in bassinet until he was a year old. The he slept in his pack'n'play since I had no room for a crib in my tiny cinder-block apartment. I didn't even know how to open a crib the night we were at the store.
So Jon, who works at Babies'R'Us is our new best friend...he found all the furniture we wanted, (since we are obviously cursed and everything we wanted was out of stock) is having it shipped to us for free, and even gave us the floor model of the crib we bought to borrow so we could have it to photograph in case our crib wasn't delivered in time. Isn't Jon the best thing ever? :) Sean actually took the crib back this afternoon since we were called on Friday and told ours would be delivered this week along with the rest of the furniture. So here's where the nursery stands as of now...
Sean started taping off the walls to paint...but I still have to pick out paint colors. Hopefully we can turn this into baby-land ever so quickly. Of course this will be amidst me making 60 or so 9x9 pages for three different scrapbooks...oh and English class (have a 110 pages of reading to do this week), seven various appointments, Sean's birthday, Mac's first day of school, and that little cement demolishing project I mentioned.
I really can't wait till it's September 13th, when the important letter is written, three scrapbooks are complete, grass is growing, and we have a nursery. :)