Sean is threatening to find a job that has him working all summer long. These three weeks off are killing him. You know why?
My relentless ideas.
I'm in home beautification mode. Granted it started with the front yard. Phase one will be all done tomorrow morning so I'll take the official pictures then. Phase two involves removing pink concrete and putting in some sod. Sean has district training all next week (which I think he's thankful for) so phase two will be accomplished the week after.
My other crazy ideas...a couple are accomplished, a couple are in the works, a couple might wait...
-Painting the wall behind our stove split pea green...done
-Painting two walls in our dining room a buttery yellow...done
-Parking the old wheelbarrow that the former owners left behind when they moved out in our front yard and filling it with plants and flowers to make it look cute...will be done tomorrow
-Switching out the circa 1976 brass handles in our kitchen to circa 2005 brushed nickle ones...almost done
-Removing a light switch that doesn't seem to hook up to anything on the little wall you see when you walk in our house, painting the wall a dark mossy green, building a very narrow table and staining it black, hanging a mirror over it that we might paint the frame of, and making it like a little entry the works
-Painting the wall that goes from our kitchen to our family room that kind of trendy light warm brown color...thinking about it
-Painting the back wall of the bookshelves that flank our fireplace...thinking about it
-Finally taking the plunge and ordering new kitchen appliances...did that yesterday (and CANNOT wait for my new double oven/microwave combo with a warming drawer!)
-Getting rid of the ugly fluorescent lights in our kitchen and getting recessed lighting...need to learn more about that
So, we've been a little busy. :)