I figured I'd better share about last weekend before the next one is here. :)
We drove up late Thursday night and arrived at the hotel at 3:30am thanks to a bunch of LA traffic. After sleeping in a little on Friday morning we headed across the Bay Bridge into downtown San Francisco for breakfast. Friends of ours had suggested Dottie's True Blue Cafe, they actually told us it was the best breakfast they'd ever had in their lives. Sounded pretty appealing. It was a tiny cafe with literally less than ten tables and a line out the door. Without a doubt it was the best breakfast Sean and I have EVER had. We almost cried when we were full because we wanted to keep eating. Apple Carmel coffee cake, cranberry orange bread with cream cheese, an amazing omelet, homemade buttermilk dill toast...just amazing. If you're ever in San Francisco you HAVE to go.
Other than that we wandered around for the day, a little downtown and then a little in Berkley. We met up with our friends Monique and Matt at their house Friday night and had a great time hanging out and settling in for the weekend in their new house.
The other highlight of the trip was going to Napa. Always have wanted to go there. Sean and I don't really drink wine, but have always liked the idea of learning about it. The four of us headed out there to meander from winery to winery just whatever caught out eye as we drove down the road. We went on a tour of a wine cave. We tried some different wines, even bought a couple. We went to the Mumm winery where they specialize in champagne and had way too much fun with the various samplers we tried. They even were hosting an Ansel Adams collection in their gallery. It was the perfect, relaxing day.
Monday we just drove home. Lots of new photos loaded on the laptop and shopping bags in the car. We've talked a dozen times already about when to go back up...that breakfast is calling our names. :)