I was thinking tonight, as I finally come out of the migraine I had all day yesterday and most of today, of what truly makes me happy and relaxed...
1. Spending time with Mac and Sean...just having them around the house makes it feel even more like home (except when they're arguing over homework--that's not so relaxing...or happy)
2. Creating something...even though I was feeling less than stellar I still needed to make an altered letter "K" that I bought at Pottery Barn Kids months ago for part of a baby shower gift for my friend this Saturday. I have to admit I'm not thrilled with it but it did feel good to get it done. I also made a birthday card for my sister-in-law so it can be off in the mail with a GAP gift-card...not a minute too soon since it needs to get to Iowa by Sunday...I know, it's not going to happen
3. Getting stuff organized...the house was a mass of messiness earlier tonight and now there's just a couple of piles. It makes me feel so much more at ease. Nothing's better than having everything in it's place and lots of little tasks done...I'm a big dork like that
4. Food...there's a reason my hips are so wide...it makes me happy...I have the worst eating habits...but it's just sooo good! Sean brought me home a box full of my favorite See's Candy when he went to get the fore-mentioned GAP gift-card at the mall...I'll I can say is mmmmmmmmmmmm
5. Orgas......well I shouldn't really talk about those in a blog, huh? But if we're talking about happy and relaxing...they certainly fit the bill. Okay, well now that you think I'm a big 'ole weirdo I'm going to bed. ;)