It's relatively simple and a lot of people probably take it for granted, but I have to say that every time I hear this thing rev up I can't help but smile.
Today was the first hot day here in Southern California. I was outside taking pictures of Sean and Mac planting a garden in the corner of our backyard and our air conditioner kicked on so I had to take a picture of it, right? Yes, I know I'm crazy.
The thing is we just got air conditioning in our house last summer. We lived for four years without was the only aspect of the house that drove us nuts...with the high ceilings the heat could become torturous in the summer and well into the fall.
We took a home equity loan last year to get all new windows and doors, an attic fan, ceiling fans in our bedrooms, and air conditioning. We went all out to cool this house down...we actually got two separate AC units since there is such a disparity in temperature on our first and second floors. The first time it kicked on I literally cried I was so happy. I never knew I could appreciate cold air so much.
Now if I see predictions of a heat wave on the news I don't have to worry about a thing...well, maybe just the electric bill.