I'm so lucky that my mom and I are of the same ilk. What's "ilk" you ask? It's okay, I asked too when she used it in a sentence at some point in our 1 hour & 51 minute phone call that ended a second ago. She told me ilk means a type of person or breed.
Of course she doubled checked herself with her with her handy dandy dictionary expansion card on her palm pilot...the only thing she really uses her palm pilot for.
I love my mom. She is the coolest person you'll ever meet. Smartest, funniest, most thoughtful & understanding. I could just go on and on. I love that we have so much in common, not that I could ever measure up to all her amazing attributes.
I tried to get her to convince her again tonight she needs to write a book. I have this, self-proclaimed, awesome idea that she should write a book about the things she's gone through in her life and then go back and give psychological advice on those subjects. She has such a unique vantage point having had so many incredible life challenges yet being able to have the psychological expertise to analyze and share practical solutions. Add in her ability to be exceptionally articulate and altogether hysterically funny...it would just be a great read.
She is the most astounding psychologist...she is down to earth, unassuming, good humored. If I could, I'd give everyone her card. She would never give herself credit for it but she has helped countless people over the years overcome so much turmoil. She's just pleasant and fun...not one of those wishy-washy, soft spoken, "tell me how that makes you feel" kind of therapists.
I don't even know where all this is going...it's way past my bedtime but I just had to get this down.
I'm so lucky to be her daughter.
I'm so lucky to have had her in my life as an example of how to be a good person.
I am so lucky that she's my best friend too.
I'm just so lucky we're of the same ilk.