I am soooo happy to be home, my stomach's full from my favorite Chinese food restaurant, I'm all unpacked, took a looong hot shower, and am in my gloriously comfy bed.
I could write ten pages about the retreat this weekend but instead here are just a few things that popped into my head to summarize the weekend...
...we found out about a minute before leaving that two kids from our group weren't coming on retreat with us and instead we had two others we didn't know
...I said A LOT of bad words driving up the mountain about the exceptional planning and communication about our group changes
...it was 36 degrees when we got up to Big Bear
...the bunk bed cots were just as horrible as I remembered...however I was ever so lucky to snag one that didn't result in the bright red "Exit" shining in my face all night long...but I couldn't sleep anyway
...it snowed...a tiny freak snow storm and when we woke up on Saturday it was beautiful
...Sean & I both gave talks on Saturday morning and, thankfully, they both went over well
...the food was pretty darn good...the cook did an amazing job of making everything really flavorful...I went back to the kitchen to ask her for cooking tips
...our kids really did a great job...we were worried on Friday night...the two new kids in our group were great additions
...I didn't kill "Mr. Catholic" (this other team leader who thinks he's holier than thou) although I almost killed myself listening to his 40+ minute talk on what a great Catholic he is
...I have to pat myself on the back that I was able to stay neutral when our group discussed issues in the church I feel passionate about...but then I had to sit down & tell our little free-thinking, liberal dynamo in our group that I agreed with her completely and that I wanted her to know she wasn't alone in her beliefs
...our group's cleaning assignment before we left today was the girls bathroom...everyone hung in there and helped...at least we didn't have the boys bathroom
I guess I should have more profound, religious awakening type of thoughts to share but I'm too tired for anything other than mundane and random. Good night. :)