You never really appreciate it until it's gone.
I'm sitting on Mac's bed, on the laptop, plugged into the only easy to reach phone line in the house. The power in our house went out about a half hour ago. Apparently it's out for the entire neighborhood. A couple people across the street said they heard some kind of explosion. The electric company said if a transformer blew it'll be two or three hours.
All I have to say is thank God for the laptop and cell phone. Otherwise I'd be climbing the silent walls. I am not a fan of silence. I need to have some kind of noise...preferably music...I have I-tunes playing on my laptop now & it is saving my sanity.
Here's the fun part. I've been trying to get stuff done today so I haven't really eaten and now I can't open the fridge in the hopes that we can save the food we just bought at the grocery store last night if it stays completely closed (I've threatened Mac's life if he opens it). I also haven't taken a shower. I'm supposed to go out tonight and I'm going to be looking pretty scary when I've gotten a minute long shower in an attempt to not run out of the hot water sitting in the water heater and air dried hair is not something I can pull off.
So, now that I've gone on and on complaining please keep your fingers crossed that the power will be back on before the battery on my laptop runs out. Off to call the electric company to see of they know anything yet...